Get on-demand access to a board-certified Psychiatry & Behavioral Health physician in person, at home, or in hotel.
Experience the convenience and affordability of getting your medication refills within a few minutes of your online appointment.
IV vitamin infusions for wellness, mental clarity, cognitive function, immune health, and energy.
Expert witness consultation services to the legal community on issues related to addiction medicine
Total cost of smoking includes $170 billion annually in direct medical costs for adults and more than $156 billion in lost productivity due to effects of secondhand smoke and premature death.
Binge drinking accounts for $191 billion annually.
More than 27 million Americans―one in nine―abuse at least one substance.
Only 3 million Americans receive substance abuse treatment.
Substance abuse is directly related to spread of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, fatal overdose, effects on unborn children, crime, unemployment, domestic abuse, divorce and homelessness.
Drug abuse costs the nation more than $120 billion per year in lost productivity.
According to National Drug Intelligence Center estimates, drug abuse accounts for $49 billion in reduced workdays, $48 billion in incarceration expenses and $4 billion due to premature deaths.
National Drug Intelligence Center estimates annual cost of drug-related crime in the United States is more than $61 billion with criminal justice comprising $56 billion of that cost.
70% of arrestees test positive for illicit substances at the time of arrest.
Annual cost of emergency department visits related to drug abuse is $161 million.
A 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health concluded more than 20 million people 16 years or older drove after drinking alcohol. 11.8 million drove after taking illicit drugs.
Annual Financial Burden in United States
Tobacco$300 billion
Alcohol$249 billion
Illicit Drugs$193 billion
Prescription opioids$78.5 billion
American Society of Addiction Medicine
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
National Institutes of Mental Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Anxiety Disorders of America
Bipolar Disorder (NIMH)
National Institute of Mental Health
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
American Psychiatric Association
National Foundation for Depressive Illness
American Psychological Association
National Council on Problem Gambling
Gamblers Anonymous
Institute for Problem Gambling
National Mental Health Association
Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare, and Society
Mental Health Screening Tools
VIA Character Strengths
Belle Meade Addiction Medicine & Psychiatry, PLLC is a concierge addiction medicine and psychiatry practice headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.
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