Get on-demand access to a board-certified Psychiatry & Behavioral Health physician in person, at home, or in hotel.
Experience the convenience and affordability of getting your medication refills within a few minutes of your online appointment.
IV vitamin infusions for wellness, mental clarity, cognitive function, immune health, and energy.
Expert witness consultation services to the legal community on issues related to addiction medicine
Board-Certified in Addiction Medicine
Board-Certified in Emergency Medicine
Dr. Jones is a board-certified emergency and addiction medicine physician, and has treated more than 70,000 patients during a 20-year career in medicine. He is a graduate of the Emergency Medicine Residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and Addiction Medicine Fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Jones provides medical expert consultation services to the legal community on issues related to addiction medicine and emergency medicine.
Areas of interest: expert witness retention & litigation, consultative reviews/case clinics, certificates/affidavits of merit, independent medical examinations, alcohol and drug use, drug testing, medical malpractice, addiction medicine, co-occurring legal issues such as intoxication, cognitive effects of drugs, wrongful death, violent crime, inappropriate use of prescription medications, gambling addiction, disease model of addiction, food addiction, Internet addiction, psychoactive substance, withdrawal, sex addiction, dual diagnosis, detoxification, rehabilitation, co-occurring psychiatric disorders, buprenorphine, impaired professionals (attorneys, physicians, business executives).
Fee schedule and contract will be discussed after initial contact.
Roger Starner Jones, Jr, MD
Belle Meade AMP
4515 Harding Pike, Ste 326
Nashville, TN 37205
Ph: 615-753-7966
Expert witness retention & litigation, consultative reviews/case clinics, certificates/affidavits of merit, independent medical examinations, alcohol and drug use, addiction, gambling, drug testing, medical malpractice, addiction medicine, co-occurring legal issues such as intoxication, cognitive effects of drugs, wrongful death, violent crime, inappropriate use of prescription medications, gambling addiction, drug testing, disease model of addiction, food addiction, Internet addiction, compulsive drug use, psychological dependence, compulsion, neurobiologic disease, craving, physiological dependence, psychoactive substance, withdrawal, sex addiction, dual diagnosis, proficiency in communicating the interplay between law, brain science, and the art of medicine, detoxification, rehabilitation, co-occurring psychiatric disorders, buprenorphine, chronic pain, drug testing, impaired professionals (attorneys, physicians, business executives).
Belle Meade Addiction Medicine & Psychiatry, PLLC is a concierge addiction medicine and psychiatry practice headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee.
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